It would not be a proper celebration without cake! Let our Pastry Chef treat you to a fresh and...
Monday to Thursday meal and beverage specials, we are pairing up all your favourite feeds with...
Take the whole family out to dinner and the kids will eat free at Staits...
It would not be a proper celebration without cake!Let our Pastry Chef treat you to a fresh and...
Join us for a tender porthouse Steak Special!Available every Thursday, all day and starting from...
Head down for a Parmy Special every Wednesday and tuck into our generous golden chicken parmy...
Tuck into our chefs rotating Burger Special for $18, changing it up weekly with tasty combinations.Available all day, served with chips and settle in with a bevy to...
Stop by and enjoy a traditional roast with all the trimmings for $22!Available every Monday for...
Book in for a traditional Sunday Roast Special, available all day for $28.Our famously known...
Enjoy the Peachiest Hour in town Monday to Friday from 5-6pm including;$10 Signature...
$8 pints and glasses of house wine. Welcome to The Lookout Bar, your favourite...
The Perfect Sundowner Spot!Every Sunday until 6pmThanks to The Lookout Bar’s prime...