Get your 2024 off to an upbeat start with a 45-minute Sound healing session in Jubilee Park.
We will then walk over to City Beach to watch the sunset and have an ocean dip (optional).
We will work on your base, heart and crown chakras with the bowls, didge and gongs.
Connect to the Earth, sea, sun and like-minded souls on this New Year’s Day and feel cleansed, fresh, vibrant and happy as you set your intentions for the new year.
As you prepare for 2024, we are still encountering massive shifts and global change. Spirit is preparing us for an abundant ‘8’ year (2+0+2+4), the year of the Dragon!
As the dense layers dissolve and the mind clears, humanity is emerging from isolation and disconnection, into a new world paradigm, a new circular (Torus) operating system. As the veils lift, the field is looser, lighter and more receptive to your visions, dreams and intentions.